Step 2 - Create account

You have chosen: 
10Time - Platinum
which will allow you to create unlimited active project(s) at a time.

Your company/team name

What is the name of your company, team or organization?

Create your personal 10Time site address
Every 10Time site has it's own unique web address. This is where you and your team members will log-in. Create yours below (letters and numbers only, no spaces or special characters):


Create your administrator account
This is the master log-in for your account. Once you've created your administrator account below, you will be able to add as many team members to your account as you'd like. Each person will have their own log-in information.


First and last name:
E-mail address:
Confirm password:
Include my password in the welcome e-mail:


Select your time zone
Select the time zone you are in:


Review plan, accept terms and complete signup

Your selected plan: 10Time - Platinum
Price: 30-day trial for just $1 USD
after USD 99,- / month
Active projects: unlimited
Your 10Time site will be at:
Your trial will end: at midnight on 2024-11-21

I agree to the Terms of Service, Privacy & Refund policy